Contributions From Hassan Khan Lodhi
The Knowledge of reality is my main capital;
The Essence of my faith lies in rationality;
On Love rests my foundation;
Eagerness is my ride;
Remembering Allah is my companion;
Dependence on Allah is my treasury;
Knowledge is my weapon;
In Allah’s pleasure is my booty (the fruit of my toil);
In humbleness is my pride;
Conviction is my food;
In truthfulness is my intercession;
Obeying Allah is my inalienable Wealth;
In prayers lies my pleasure;
There are many persons.
but no one is like u.
There are many friends.
but no one is as good as u.
There are many others to love.
but its not like loving to u.
There are many others to hear.
but its not like listening to u.
There are many others to talk.
but its not like talking to u.
There are many others to sit with.
but its not like sitting with u.
There are many others to walk with.
but its not like walking with u.
There are many others to wish.
but its not like wishing to u.
There are many more to care.
but its not like taking care of u.
There are many more to share.
but its not like sharing with u.
There are many more to see.
but its not like looking at u.
There are many other special persons.
but no one is as important to me as u.
There are many different persons.
but no one is as unique as u.
There are many more to write.
but its not like writing on u.
You are created For me
And I am proud of you.
Every Single Day
With An Endless array[][] of
Just waiting for the chance
To make the difference
in your life.
Every New Day
A World of
Just waiting for a chance to fill your heart
With Happiness.
Every New Day
To give you all its best & every
To make your
Dreams come True
O utstanding!
N eat!
G reat!
R emarkable!
A mazing!
T errific!
U nbelievable!
L ovely!
A wesome!
T remondous!
I incredible!
O utragedus!
N ice!
S weet!